A week of special weeks! w/c 16th November

We were very lucky to have 3 special weeks in one week!  Here are some examples of our learning this week.

Anti Bullying Week

We talked about the difference between bullying, being rude and being mean.  Being rude is accidental, being mean can be accidental or on purpose with actions or words, bullying takes place over a longer time and is on purpose. Bullying can sometimes be calling people names.  We created anti-bullying posters to show the things that we learned.


Road Safety Week

This’ year’s theme for Road Safety Week was “No Need to Speed”. We were working with Mr Orr to discuss Fair and Unfair statements about road safety and we sorted them out in pairs.  We debated each statement.  We talked about things like “Drivers should not use hands free phones”; “Parents should only walk to school with their children”;and “Kids should only cross the road with an adult”.


Book Week Scotland

We created our own blurbs using a website which asked questions about characters and adjectives and then we made fronts covers to match. Blurbs and front covers are very important because they tell us what the books are about.  The blurb gives you an idea of what happens in the book, but shouldn’t include any spoilers.



We played a listening game while Mrs Allan read a book, to do actions for verbs, characters name, adjectives and connectors. Then we played the game in pairs.

As the finale we all wore hats to school as a Mad Hatters Tea Party.  We heard part of the story of Alice in Wonderland over the tannoy on Monday. We think we look fabulous!!



In French, we practised out numbers to 20 and revised our French colours.  We played outside with Mr Orr to run and find a colour after he shouted the colour in French.

Le coleur est jaune.


Le coleur est rouge.