P5b flying high into the last term (w/c 19th April)

Social Studies – Flying high!

In Social Studies we have been working on Flight.  For our first lesson, we explored and experimented with different types of flight with paper outside by making spinners and paper aeroplanes.  We used teamwork to help each other to make aeroplanes if needed!


The spinners worked much better with some weight, so we added paperclips to them to make them spin faster.   Adding a paperclip to the side didn’t make it spin faster because it moved too  much to one side.  Adding in the middle had the best effect.

If you added two paperclips underneath the “wings”, it made the spinner turn upside down.

We were experimenting with how to make paper aeroplanes go further. Ross’s went further because it was “pointy”. Haniya’s wider wings helped to turn corners in the air.


We also made a big mindmap of the types of things we want to learn and how we want to do this.  It’s on display in our classroom and we will add to it over the next few weeks.  We also had a discussion on what counts as flying.


In PE we have been developing some hockey skills.  We progressed from dribbling and passing to tackling and mini-games all in one week!



We started looking at our new reading  books for the next few weeks – we are focusing on non-fiction at the moment.


Time for Time!

As well as our number work, we worked on telling time to the nearest minute, rather than five past, ten past etc.


We worked so hard we managed analogue and digital at the same time! Ask us the time over the weekend 🙂