A super sporty week!

It’s been an action packed week in P5b…


Euro2020 football skills

We practised different football skills – we dribbled around mannequins, scored goals in a huge inflatable goal and played a minigame on the MUGA.  the goal had holes that were worth different points – lots of us found it tricky to kick the ball high enough.


Sports day

The whole school had sports day this week, in our stages.  P5 was Monday afternoon.  We did lots of different skills: rugby, javelin, throwing, spacehoppers, basketball, running, hockey and football.  We also did four different races.


Numeracy and Maths

We developed our estimation and measuring skills using volume this week.  We estimated the volume of different bottles and containers and then filled them with water and used scales accurately.


Literacy and English

We worked on identifying past, present and future as we have been confused these at times in our writing.  since it was Friday, we made sure we moved about while doing this job!



We used Scratch to code a Pong game.  We needed a background and two code two different sprites.  We used the forever and if commands .  We used our Maths skills with angles to make the spite bounce, by moving and turning in degrees. We also made on the the sprite be controlled by the mouse.  We will use these skills in our microbit hackathon on Monday.