Around the world on our bikes


We completed level One of Bikeability this week. We had to test our skills to check our bikes, helmets and clothes were safe. before mounting and dismounting correctly.  We worked on different stations for different skills – including pedalling in a zig zag, braking, checking over our shoulder and taking one hand off the handlebars for a high five.  We really enjoyed it.  At the end, we did a slow race to check our control. Cameron won the slow race! Zakir was our sports photographer.




Global Festival

We have explored the languages that we know in the class as part of Global Festival.  We know words in French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Korean, Arabic, Urdu, German, Afrikaans, Japanese, Dutch and Corsican. Three of us turned into teachers to teach others how to write in Arabic.

We watched videos from Crookfur pupils on how to make chapattis, pakora, Anzac biscuits and Indian tea.  We also learned some Bollywood dancing. We finished by playing Konki Noli, a Korean playground game.

The game was harder than it sounded, but all you need is 5 stones.

Did you know that we have family members in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia?  We can cover the whole world from our classroom!



In PE, We started our house point challenges before Sports Day on Monday.  We did basketball hoops, hulahoop passes and steal ball and three different races.  P5 sports afternoon is Monday – remember your kit!