the powers of persuasion (w/c 23rd may)

Our powers of persuasion

Mrs Allan would like to apologise for any attempts made to persuade adults over the last fortnight, but she is very impressed with our new skills.


We have been learning about different persuasion techniques (word choice, appealing to better nature, problem solving and creating a new opportunity or something the other person wants to happen) and then using these in our writing.  Have you been impressed with our rhetorical questions?   We have also identified the techniques used in film posters and book blurbs.  We also spotted some when the instrumental teachers were trying to convince us to choose to play their instrument!



We used the VR headsets to look at some augmented reality barn owls, making notes on how their wings moved and the shape of the wing which helps it to glide and take off. We made notes based on our observations.

We attended a virtual visit with the Museum of flight, who explained the different forces needed to fly and land safely and the importance of aerodynamics.  We learned lots of amazing facts about Concord too.

Here, we are flapping our arms to stay in the air longer…. so fast we’re a blur!


We also debated what animals can and cannot fly, talking (at length, loudly!) about the importance of moving with your own power and the difference between flying and gliding.  after much debate, the results were:

Yes, that is a penguin!  Ask us more about what animals can, and can’t fly (as long as you have at least 5 minutes to spare).


We made some bottle rockets to explore the importance of thrust and power when making an object take off.  They were very effective!