w/c 7th December 2020


On Thursday, we spent time out at the Woodlands. Mr Orr challenged us to make a Winter themed sculpture. Some people made a gingerbread man with sticks, mud and apples. Some built a slay for Santa and his reindeers using some logs, tyres and some wood. We also attempted to make houses and igloos but some failed. We also made a Christmas dinner, where we made mud blended Turkey, including a sofa to sit on. We had a lot of fun doing this and showed lots of creativity, resilience and teamwork.

A snowman

Decorating the Christmas tree

An igloo for “Mick the Brick”

Christmas dinner over an open fire….

… with apple pie for pudding!

This sleigh with reindeer took lots of teamwork (and some rebuilding)


Team work on house construction.

Charles Rennie Mackintosh

We learned about a famous Scottish artist this week who influenced many designs around Glasgow., We drew roses in the style of his artwork and we learned about his life. Yesterday was actually the anniversary of his death! He was born in Glasgow in the 1800s and he went to Art School where he made his friends and wife and they eventually became ‘The Four’.

Christmas Robins

We have been designing Christmas jumpers for our Christmas Robin which is going to be entered into a competition. We all did nice designs which were very colourful, with some of our class adding in backgrounds.


Numeracy and Maths

Using place value, we have been multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.  We have also been developing skills in estimating and measuring accurately.  Everyone in the class was given a measuring stick and a sheet. We had to estimate items length within the class and use our own metre sticks to see if we were correct. We also had to convert measurements using metres and centimretres using games on the Chromebook.



We have been continuing our learning on characterisation. We had plan continuing on a story called Black Beauty. We used STEAL (Speech, Thoughts, Effects on Others, Actions, Looks) and come up with our own version of Black Beauty, continuing the writing from the original extract. We used the same characters and developed them ourselves.  There are huge improvements in our Writing this term, as we use punctuation including speech marks more accurately; and work hard to uplevel our vocabulary.



Now that we understand musical terms such as tempo, beat, rhythm and dynamics, we have been playing glockenspiels to the song “Happy”. It’s  important to ensure that we play at the same time to give the best performance.

Week commencing 30th November P5b

This week has been an exciting week for P5B!

This is what we have learned this week:


We have been finishing the story of Toothie and Cat this week. We were given extracts from the text and we had to use the skills we have learned about characterisation. The challenge was to use the author’s techniques and what they did and also use our STEAL strategy. STEAL is Speech, Thoughts, Effects on others, Actions, Looks.

Expressive Arts

With Miss Burge this week, we learned about graffiti art from Egypt as part of our work on the country. We all went to the gym hall and rolled out a huge piece of paper. We each drew our own part and created graffiti art about something that is important to us.

Famous Scots

This week, we learned about Mary Queen of Scots. We found out that when she was born and that she was crowned Queen at a very young age. After we found out about her life, we created newspaper articles to show our learning of an important event in her life. We also used our drama skills and re-enacted her Trial where we had the chance to convict who did it!


Health and Wellbeing

We learned a new game called Minefield where Mr Orr set out lots of obstacles and we were given a partner, and told to close our eyes. Our partner was helping to direct us safely through the minefield without touching any of the obstacles. the difficulty levels increased with more mines and a more narrow field to navigate! We showed good teamworking and revised our direction work from earlier in the term.

We also learned about the digestive system. This is what happens after you eat. It starts off in your mouth and enzymes in your saliva break down the food and it is pushed down the  oesophagus and goes into your stomach where a weak acid breaks the food down even more. Your body absorbed the nutrients and ends up in the large intestine until it ends up leaving your body.


ICT – Spreadsheets

Today we used the laptops and learned how to use Excel. We had to find out how to use cell references on Excel.  Did you know that a row is represented by a number and columns are represented as a letter? We use this to easily find cells. A cell is any individual box on a spreadsheet. We used these to complete some tasks and we are very excited to learn how to display data as graphs tomorrow. We will be combining our grid references and data handling and ICT skills… Phew!