Across the curriculum with Primary 5b w/c 23rd November


In music, we are exploring musical terms and the difference between rhythm and beat. We danced during our Music lesson to ‘Happy’. Mrs Hutchison told us that after every few beats, we had to repeat an action and these beats changed. It was fun!


Health and Wellbeing

This week, we have been enjoying taking part in the Daily Mile. We run from the top of the playground to the bottom to improve our fitness and have some fresh air in the afternoon.  We have also  learned a new game called ‘Silent Ball’, where we are not allowed to make any noise, but have to work as a team to throw a ball to score a goal. In Silent Ball, you get warnings for touching another player, or making noise or otherwise you are out. It’s amazing to see our silent teamworking and tactics!

In Health & Wellbeing this week, we have been learning about the different dietary requirements and food groups.We learned about Halal food, Vegetarian & Vegan food. We played Cook In Castle, which taught us how to plan balanced meals and to make them have less sugar. We designed our own menu for somebody with a dietary requirement, thinking  carefully about the ingredients that went into the meal.  Some of our classmates who have experiences of vegetarian, halal, gluten-free or nut-free diets were able to offer helpful advice.  It’s great to see how we can learn from each other.


This Thursday, we were given new reading books for our homework. We are all excited to read these as we all feel they are interesting books. We will use these texts to further develop our skills in exploring authors’ word choice.


Mr Orr gave us the opportunity to choose what we wanted to learn. We were shown facts about different famous/influential Scottish people within history. We took a class survey, something we had been learning about in Maths and from this we chose Andy Murray and Queen Mary of Scots.


We learned when Andy Murray was born, about his family, We also watched an interview of Andy Murray where he taught children how to play Tennis.  We used our scanning skills in a new way to answer questions on a factfile about him.



We have been learning about Pie Charts with Mr Orr this week. We learned how to use fractions and shaded pie charts on our worksheets. We learned how to interpret the data displayed in Pie Charts and we created questions of our own relating to pie charts.



We have been reading our Heartstone book each week, and we are beginning to meet new characters.  We really enjoy the very detailed descriptions of the characters and settings. Chandra, the main character is a beautiful dancer, so we practised some classical Indian dance hand gestures, including one for mouse for Hugbundle! We also learned that Chandra means “moon” in Sanskrit.  It looks like a new character called Smirkmuzzle might be about to cause some trouble…