Busy Bees in P5b w/c 2nd November

Apologies for the lack of photographs this week – the class camera was uncooperative!



In Numeracy and Maths we have been learning about bar graphs. We have been learning that all bar graphs must have a title , labelled axes and we have been using scales at the side to compare variables.


We have been exploring equivalent fractions too.  Did you know a half is the same as two quarters and that four eighths is the same as two quarters? We noticed patterns from our multiplication tables in the rows of our fraction walls. We have been shading and creating fractions, remembering to  look at the numerator and the denominator.


In Literacy, Mr Orr has worked with us on scanning. This is looking through a text for specific words.  We used this this new skill to answer questions and to find words in the dictionary. We started our Heartstone Odyssey book this week too and we’re excited to find out what is so special about the Bishop’s story. The whole class will read this book together, and discuss the themes raised, and explore the characters, setting and message through Expressive Arts.

As you might have been able to tell by the way we came home on Friday, we had a fabulous time in  our sponsored Mini Mudder!  We made some spider and ghost decorations to make it more spook-tastic. We were (very) muddy and wet thanks to the super soakers and water guns.  The final obstacle was a crawl under a net… we were VERY muddy by then. Some of us almost fell!


Our jotters have gone home with us today (Friday 6th November).  Please enjoy looking at them and send them back to school  on Monday 9th November.