Week beginning 19th October


African adventures

With Miss Burdge, we were studying the continent of Africa.  We explored different African patterns and made some ourselves using coloured pencils. There are two different types of pattern: symbolic and geometric ones.

After some group research using the Chromebooks into different countries, we had a class vote and we will be exploring Egypt from our classroom!

 Beautiful blending

We used primary colours to mix into secondary colours and blended them (1 + 1 = 2) . Some of use did such a good job with our blending that you can see tertiary colours too. A tertiary colour is when you mix a primary colour and secondary colour (1 +2 =3). We used charcoal and 6B and 2H pencils to create shade and tone to make 3D shapes.  We cut out our 3D shapes and added them to our beautiful blending as a background.  Mrs Allan was very proud of our hard work and we’ve had two compliments on our display already!


Compasses and directions

We have been working on directions and compass points this week. when you are giving directions, we have been using forwards, backward and turning right and left through 90 degrees.  the four compass points are North, South, east and West and we followed the compass points in chalk to in the playground before we completed the work in our jotters.