Primary 5b w/c 24th August

Abstract Emotions Art

We explored showing our feelings by using colours in oil pastels. For example, using blue for sadness and yellow for happiness.  We talked about what colour more complicated emotions (like confusion) might be. We also used shapes, lines and squiggles instead of making our picture look like a real thing.


Outdoor Learning

We used clay to create faces on trees in our woodland, based on Green Men, which appear in lots of cultures to help new starts and rebirth. We gathered branches, stones, leaves and sticks to create our faces.  Some have beards and some have nostrils…


Numeracy and Maths

We were exploring symmetry this week.  That means that both sides of something are the exact same.  Our patterns and pictures had two lines of symmetry. We practised these skills inside and outside the classroom, using things from nature and other materials to make pictures in the playground. We also did some pixel art.




Literacy and English

We completed a story starter this week about a cable car, trying to make our story funny or scary! We worked very hard on our vocabulary and our punctuation.  We used pyramids to help us with spelling exciting words and suggest punctuation.


In our Wandering Adventure we used a story to think about questions. Ask us what we think about living somewhere instead of visiting and if you can be sure that you know something…

Settling into P5b

We have been settling in well to Primary 5b, concentrating on working together again and enjoying spending time getting to one another once more.

We made paper planes about ourselves and threw them in the MUGA.  When we picked up a plane, we had to think about who it described.  We know lots about each other! We created self-portraits with a fold down mask, and talked about our personalities… Who is the person behind the mask?

We watched a short film about vultures and meerkats called “Catch it”. As you can see, we learned a lot about teamwork and resilience by watching the meerkats working together.  We want to Be more Meerkat!

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been taking about keeping our worries in perspective and that talking to someone can really help. We talked about two stories together to explore these ideas.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been practising our skills through games using our own resources. In our dice games, we have been using careful thinking to make the largest number possible… although sometimes our dice are only rolling the number 1!