Robots, Rhythms and Rally’s


We had fun programming our “Human Robots” down at the woodland using the commands and directions we have been learning in maths. We had to lead our robots to the treasure using commands such as FD 4, LT 90, F6, RT 90, FD 10. We had to edit our directions after trying them out and looked at how this is similar to the skills programmers use. This linked to the work we did in ICT this week using Kudo to program our digital robots.

Music with Mrs Hutchison. This week we discussed the music we like to listen to at home and took part in games and activities to help us identify  pitch, pulse, tempo, rhythm and timbre. We were able to identify and create long and short rhythms and had to listen carefully  to work out different timbres.

In Maths we have been working on fractions, we created our own fraction walls and looked at fractions of different shapes. We explored equivalent fractions and how we can identify any fraction by looking at the denominator and the numerator. We enjoyed games where we had to match fractions and  sort and shade different parts of shapes.

In literacy we have further developed our knowledge of how to use inverted commas and speech marks. We also looked at inference and how to use clues within a text to find answers. We enjoyed sharing the Halloween and Bonfire Night  poems we created with each other. We used a range of vocabulary to create atmosphere and mood and a variety of different sentence openers. We also further explored the use of onomatepia, simile and rhyme within our poems.

In P.E we have been working on Tennis and looking at rallies and different tpyse of shots such as backhand and forehand shots.