P2b Clever clogs blog! Week Beginning 07/09/20


We have been learning some new diagraph sounds. This week we focused on ‘ai’ and ‘oa.’‘I was spelling ‘goat.’- Mia

‘Toast has oa too.’ -Harley

‘Train is an ai word.’ – Rayna


We read Chicken Licken and were thinking about rhyming words.

‘Chicken and Licken rhyme with picken.’ -Magnus



We have been revising 2D shapes.

‘I was matching the triangles.’ Ethan

‘A hexagon has 6 corners and 6 sides.’- Josh

Then we went outside to look for 2D shapes. We worked in pairs and drew pictures of what we found. Then we shared them with our friends.

‘We found a P1 sign that was a square.’ Charlie and Ben

‘The MUGA gate was a rectangle.’ Matthew

Outdoor Learning

We have spent lots of time outside this week. We took part in some imaginative play out in our P2 garden.

‘I was playing the floor is lava. I used tyres and benches and I couldn’t touch the floor.’- Caleb

‘I was making a blackcurrant ice cream. It cost £5000!’ Theo

‘I was watching Rayna pour the mud cake.’- Amelia
‘We made a cafe and Ethan was the customer. He wanted to eat the chocolate cake and drink coffee’- Eva

In the MUGA we played lots of Under the Sea themed games.

‘We were playing submarine tig. If you get caught you have to put your arm in the air.’ Zach

‘It is called a periscope.’ -Miller


Under the Sea IDL topic

We have been very busy this week! The boys and girls chose to learn about sharks!

‘Sharks eat fish.’ -Oliver


Willow and Magnus brought in some bones from the beach in Millport to show everyone! They got to be the tiny teachers and share their knowledge with the class.

‘There were bird bones. They were very good.’ Myles

‘They felt a bit like glass or a shell.’- Mia


Theo was sharing his knowledge about sharks and Krakens!

‘A Kraken could make scars on the megladon with the suction cups.’- Aaron

We made under the sea puppets of all the creatures we have learned about. The boys and girls then created a puppet show in our under the sea den.

‘Me and Aaron were using the puppets to do the puppet show.’- Ibrahim

‘It was really funny.’-Kayla


The children chose to put some sea and water themed material round our den! We then added books about sea creatures and pirates.

We had an arts and crafts afternoon where the children chose to make fish, sharks, crabs and even scary jellyfish! We then hung them inside the den with a beautiful painted sea background.

‘This is a Portuguese Man O’War jellyfish. They are the biggest jellyfish.’ – Ben

‘I made a fish mask. I cut it out.’ Ashley

We had lots of fun playing with our sea creatures in the sparkly water!