Primary 1 worked so hard to put on a fantastic show for everyone to enjoy! We sang loud and beautifully, performed great acting and even showed off some brilliant dance moves. We hope all the parents enjoyed it just as much as we loved rehearsing and performing to everyone!
Now time to enjoy photos of P1 in action during their nativity and after…
Arjun: Humph the Camel
Camels singing along!
P1s amazing dancers!
Well done to all musicians who played many different instruments beautifully!
Sophia and Cormac, also known as Mary and Joseph in the show!
The three almighty Kings!
The Three Shepherds (Harry, Myra and Aaron)
Eva, Alfie and Abu Hurraira
Daisy the Angel
All of our incredible narrators!
In Humph the Camels own words…’Isn’t it wonderful!’