It is a shorter week this week but it hasn’t stopped Primary 3 being busy bees!
This week we started our new topic about the Vikings. Here is some of things we want to learn about:
- When did they live?
- What food did they eat?
- Why did they come here?
- What did they wear?
- How did they travel?
- What language did they speak?
- Why did they like stealing things?
- Why did they decorate their ships to look like horses?
- Which country did they come from?
- Who were the most famous Vikings?
We are definitely an inquisitive bunch!!!
As part of our Minibeasts topic, we looked at classifying Minibeasts. This means putting them into different groups based on different information about them.
Daisy got a new pet which links to our Minibeast topic. Here is a picture of her Queen Ant. She has promised to upload pictures when she lays her eggs.
Christopher also spotted a butterfly whilst out in his garden. Thank you for sharing this…
Mrs Agnew also posted some pictures of her caterpillars as chrysalides. They are magically turning into butterflies inside their chrysalide.
Some of us have been keeping ourselves very busy at home. Here are just some of the pictures of what we have been up to this week…
Alfie B baked a white chocolate cheesecake which looks absolutely delicious!
Mehr planted some bean seeds a few weeks ago and can now seen the beans coming through…
Heena was very creative and created a new Legoland.
Arjun has been busy making bath bombs for his Mum’s birthday. Home made presents are the best, well done Arjun!
On top of all of this we have completed lots of Numeracy & Mathematics work. Our Literacy work has focused on comprehension and nouns and some of us are continuing to read Mr Majeika and Esio Trot. We were also treated to another PE from Mr McMillan’s friends and family. Some of us have uploaded our own videos to be added into the PE lesson 🙂