This week we have been practising lots for our show…
In show practise we watched a video of other children acting in The Bee Musical. This helped us understand our different roles on the stage and what our show might look like. Ruby & Alexander
We practised all of our scenes and we created our own actions for the songs. Ollie
The best song in The Bees Musical is ‘The Bees Knees’…we can’t wait to perform this for you. Hishaam
In the show, I am very excited to perform in front of lots of people. Ava
We have been working so hard to create the show for all of our parents/carers. Andrew
Skills Academy
In Learning for Sustainability, in my group, we made Beeswax wrappers and ate honeycomb. I thought the honeycomb was delicious. Alexander.
We learned about bees in Skills Academy, it was really because it was related to our show. Ollie
In Digital Technologies, we were learning about coding using Kodable and trying to get onto different levels. Ruby
On Thursday, we went to assembly and found out who the winner was for ‘Make it happen’. I thought the winning app was really good. Ethan
Expressive Arts
In Expressive Arts, we have been learning how to mix colours. We learned the three primary colours and used these to mix the three secondary colours. Kerr
We have been learning about Henri Rousseau’s artwork and will be creating our own versions of his art. Andrew
We looked at Henri Rousseau’s paintings. I enjoyed looking at them because they were very creative. Ollie
I learned that red and blue make purple. Omar
I learned that red and yellow make orange. Isaac
I learned that blue and yellow make green. Ruby
I loved mixing the colours. We will create our pieces of art using only the three primary colours. Ava
Numeracy & Maths
The Squares are continuing to work on equivalent fractions and will begin to look at ordering fractions next week. The Triangles have started looking at money and calculating change within £10 and the Circles and Rectangles have been doing addition with carrying and will progress onto subtraction with exchanging.
We have been focusing on handwriting and will continue to look at letter formation. Our Foxes have started a new novel, Mr Majeika and have started considering the difference between facts and opinions. The Hedgehogs are continuing to look at non-fiction and will also be looking at the meaning of different words and how we can use dictionaries to help us find the meaning of words. The Badgers are developing their comprehension skills and will continue to focus on answering inferential questions. We are still enjoying choosing our spelling words and then growing them in class. This week we have been rhyming with our spelling words and discussing the syllables in each word.