We are so excited to be exploring our new topic Space! Through different learning experiences we have been learning about the positioning of the sun, moon and stars. We have been exploring all the different planets and the purpose of them.
After learning different facts and information about Astronauts, we used this learning to create a Writing piece about what it would be like to be an Astronaut. We learnt that the word Astronaut is Greek for ‘Star Sailor’. We were shocked to find out that even animals have even travelled to space such as a dogs, monkeys, fish and mice!
Firstly, we began to create our own Astronaut and decorated our own unique Space suit!
Then using all of our knowledge about Astronauts and the information we found out through reading books and watching informative videos, we created a spectacular Writing piece. It starts by saying, ‘If I were an Astronaut…’. Everyone wrote tricky words using their phonemes to help blend/sound out words, everyone used super punctuation and neat handwriting!
For our wall display, we wanted to create our large ‘Class’ Astronaut – we named him Astra!
In our different learning areas, we have been exploring Space through many ways.
Luke and Evie engaging in role play as they are working hard in their space station!
Murdo, Gabby, Amy and Sophia reading challenging books to find information out about Space!
Lily-Anne is reading interesting facts about the Solar System.
Kerr and Ace exploring 2D and 3D shapes to create Space designs. Here they have designed a rocket!
At the Writing table, Eva is recording all the planets she can see!
Kate and Lily-Anne enjoying creating stories.
Lastly, in the Construction area, everyone has been creating their own Space Travelling Machine!