As our topic is ‘Toys’, we were so lucky to be involved in a Toy Workshop!
We had amazing and exciting learning experiences all about different toys. We explored old and new toys, compared toys from the past and present and reflected on different types of toys i.e. moving toys, skilled toys and building toys.
Within this treasure chest, there were old and new toys. Our job was to select any toy we liked and determine whether or not it was an ‘old’ or ‘new’ toy. We know an old toy is made from wood or metal and a new toy is made from plastic.
Here we got to see a Whip and Top toy which was spinning really fast!
This toy was based upon a stunt man who in the past used to try and reach far heights over double decker buses. The faster you spun the dial, the faster the motor cycle would go!
We even had a chance to play with all the different toys from the past and present. Our favourites included the slinky, a rubix cube, an operation game, a Tetris game and lego!
At the end, of all Primary One came together to hear some tales about toys and the impact they had in the past!