Our Week in P5a

Maths – We have been looking at mental maths strategies to help us improve our speed and accuracy. This week we focused on near doubles, patterns in numbers and shared tips and strategies relating to a wide range of areas such as measure, money, time and volume. We are working hard to improve the recall of our tables and enjoyed games such as loop cards, matching pairs and buzz fizz.

Literacy- Our comprehension activities this week were based on The Laughing Snowman. We were focusing on V.C.O.P and grammar. We also looked at onomatopoeia using a moving image text called Laughing Moon. We had to identify examples of onomatopoeia and verbs and then design our own stills and storyboards to create new scenes for the text.

Art – In art we were learning about Andy Goldsworthy, inspired by his work, we went to the woodland area and created some art work using natural materials.  We have included some photos below to share some of our creations.

Bounce back- In bounce back we have been focusing on catastrophizing and how this can make things worse. We read a book about it called don’t step on the crack and spoke about the importance of having a positive mindset.

Outdoor learning: Our outdoor challenge this week was to find items to represent the initials in our name within a set time. Can you guess who each of these represent?

Ivy, stones, leaves and an apple

String, apple, mud

Acorn, yellow leaves, yellow stones, apple, nettles

Hula hoop, apple, rope, rope, yellow leaf.

It was lots of fun and we came up with some really interesting and creative ideas for some of the letters that were more tricky to find things for.

Well done to our blog editors this week MM and LM who helped to create our blog.


Primary 5b w/c 24th August

Abstract Emotions Art

We explored showing our feelings by using colours in oil pastels. For example, using blue for sadness and yellow for happiness.  We talked about what colour more complicated emotions (like confusion) might be. We also used shapes, lines and squiggles instead of making our picture look like a real thing.



Outdoor Learning

We used clay to create faces on trees in our woodland, based on Green Men, which appear in lots of cultures to help new starts and rebirth. We gathered branches, stones, leaves and sticks to create our faces.  Some have beards and some have nostrils…


Numeracy and Maths

We were exploring symmetry this week.  That means that both sides of something are the exact same.  Our patterns and pictures had two lines of symmetry. We practised these skills inside and outside the classroom, using things from nature and other materials to make pictures in the playground. We also did some pixel art.

Literacy and English

We completed a story starter this week about a cable car, trying to make our story funny or scary! We worked very hard on our vocabulary and our punctuation.  We used pyramids to help us with spelling exciting words and suggest punctuation.


In our Wandering Adventure we used a story to think about questions. Ask us what we think about living somewhere instead of visiting and if you can be sure that you know something.

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