Hard at work!


Our Primary 4s have been hard at work again this week, showing lots of excellent learning on Google Classroom. We started reading our new class novel, The Boy Who Grew Dragons. For Guided Reading, we summarised what we had read so far and made our own book covers. With our book covers, we used our imaginations to think of what we would love to be able to grow in our gardens!

  Displaying Luca's front cover.jpg  Displaying IMG_20200331_121548427.jpg

In Music, we have been learning about the C scale and working on our ability to recognise the notes. For this, P4A used Google Chrome Music Lab to learn to play familiar songs. They then used their knowledge of the C scale to create their own songs. You can hear some of our examples here:

  • https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/5265157123997696
  • https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/song/5695007983927296

In Art, we had a LOT of fun recreating the work of famous artists. We tried to find props around our home, to recreate famous works of Art. We had some fantastic ideas!

As well as our classwork, we have also been sharing lots of our own home projects, which has included a lot of baking, cooking and smoothie making!

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Well done P4A for another excellent week!

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