We have had another very busy week!

  • Miss McKendrick has been helping us in class and has been teaching us Science, French, RME and Art.
  • We’ve been drawing a picture by Claude Monet called The Waterlily Pond. (Luca)
  • We are doing the register in different languages like French, Spanish and Italian. (Molly)
  • We have been learning colours in French and discussed these as part of our painting lesson (Dylan).
  • In outdoor PE we were doing different outdoor games, one of them was similar to netball but you are not allowed to run with the ball, you must pass it where you are (Sam). During indoor PE, we have been taking a note of our fitness scores. Our scores are improving as we are getting fitter (Nathan).
  • Lots of the children have been doing personal research at home into our class topic, and have brought in books from home about the body.
  • We have been learning about different parts of the eye in science (Warren).
  • We have been learning songs for our class show, ‘There’s a Sunflower in my Supper!’ We have all been given a part in the show. We will be acting, singing and dancing.
  • We have been learning about Jesus and his parables and continuing with our Buddhism topic in RME. (Eleanor)
  • In ICT we have been using To Do It Yourself to make a computer game (Molly).
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