Category Archives: shared learning

Measuring and estimating the age of trees

As you will know we are studying the rainforest for our topic. We have been finding about how long the trees have been growing in different rainforests and decided to head out to our playground to estimate how old some of our trees are.

To do this we measured 150cm up the trunk of the tree then used a measuring tape to find out the circumference of the tree at this point. We found out that a tree normally grows about 2.5cm in width every year.

Using calculators, we multiplied the girth of the tree by 2.5 to give us our estimated age.

we found a tree in our school grounds to be 62years old!!

Meeting Team Harris

This morning we invited our parents into our class.

We watched Newsround, we had a class quiz and we had coffee and cake afterwards.

It was great to be able to show our parents around our class, it was especially great to have an extra pair of hands to answer the questions during our Newsround quiz.

Perhaps on the next visit we can get the parents involved in our daily Joe Wicks workouts!!