The Work We’ve Done!

In Primary 6a our blog this week will focus on three subjects!

So far in maths we have been learning something each in our groups. We have been learning how to name different triangles like scalene, isosceles and equilateral. There are 4 different angles that we were learning about these are the right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle and finally a reflex angle. We have also learned to work out the duration of time and how to identify 2D and 3D shapes.  We also love playing the game Kaboom which helps us to practise our times tables!

Religious Education

In RE this week we were learning about the story of the shepherd in the field and he went to go look for the lost sheep and reunited him with his flock. We have also been learning about St. Teresa of Calcutta who did a lot of work with charity to help people in India.


In P.E we had a special P.E teacher visit us to teach us how to support younger children in play and get more active. We learned how to lead new games like duck duck goose, clock in the tower and what’s the time Mr Wolf.   We also learned basketball with Miss Gray – how to dribble and chest pass the ball.

Here we are practising as playzone leaders.

This week we did writing on The World’s End!  We worked really hard on using good vcop [vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation] in our stories.  We self assessed our stories and traffic lighted them green, amber and red.  We all worked really hard and came up with great stories including super vocabulary like:  ghostly, ambushed, deafening, exhilarated and annihilated.

Here are some extra photos from golden time and science too!

By: Emily, Michael and Oli

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