every thing before christmas

P7a Class Blog- 8.11.19

Writing- Halloween

We have created a number of imaginative stories, like ‘Harwell Hall’. We started with a story extract and had to continue the story in the style of the author. We had to include descriptive language, good character description and setting. We then redrafted our story, up-levelling it and typing it on the Chromebook. Then we made a cover for our story that resembled a door for Harwell Hall.

We have also been busy writing some poetry pieces like ‘Autumn Poem’ and ‘The Witch Next Door’. We started off gathering words that described a witch. Then we thought of rhyming words. We structured our poem so the rhyming words were at the end of each line and we challenged ourselves to include descriptive language alliteration.

Space- Teacher for the Day and at home project

We have been learning about our solar system during science. We have been put into groups and are making PowerPoints and posters about a specific planet. We are also working on projects at home, building models to do with space. We will be using recycled materials to create a model.  

Dyslexia PowerPoint-

Some pupils in our class created the PowerPoint (Sergio, Ellis, Eva, Patrick and Luca). We presented it in assembly for the whole school. It featured us talking about our dyslexia and how we cope about it. It helped pupils understand what dyslexia is and it helped us know how to approach dyslexia in a mannerly way. We presented it during dyslexia awareness week.  

St Ninian’s-

At St Ninian’s we did loads of things, such as Art and Design, Technology, Music and Science. We had the opportunity to meet lots of teachers from the secondary school. In science we used Bunsen burners. In music we got to try the drums. In technology we got a piece of wood and we had to use saws to build a wooden pull along toy. In art we made a safari mask using printing.

We could not not do the blog for a while because we had technical difficulties, but they are fixed now.