Our Start to Term 3!

Make £5 Grow!
We’ve been creating businesses in small groups and we have created a business which sells a product or a service.
Some of our businesses include:  A Car Wash, A Joke Shop, Bottled Pots, Phone Accessories stall and Recycled Stationery.
We created a business plan looking at the finance.  We have to think about how much money it costs to make the product and add a little bit on so that we can make a profit.  We also learnt about budgeting and sensible ways to spend our money. We have got a loan of £5 from Virgin Money and we’ll need to pay this back at the end of the term.

Watch out for our products which you can buy in the near future!

We wrote a piece of writing called ‘The Arrival’.  We watched a video of a picture book and in groups we came up with our own interpretation of the story.  Marie-Clare thought the girl’s dad was leaving for the Titanic and he never saw his family again, she also thought the family were in danger.  Whereas, Oliver thought that the dad was a German spy and they were trying to get informaiton on the British Base because the Mum was Churchill’s daughter.

In maths we have been working on decimals, fractions and percentages.  We know how to convert a decimal into a fraction or a percentage.  We were also learning how many degrees were in a triangle.   We also learned about place value and how to write numbers to one million in figures and words. There are different types of triangles like equilateral, isoceles and scalene.  We’ve been making sure to read questions slowly so that we understand what they mean.

“I feel like I’ve improved at writing numbers in words” – Patrick
“I think I’ve got better at multiplication by practising every day” – Ciaran
“I feel like I’ve become faster at mental maths questions because I practise at school and at home” – Ava

We learned how to draw a converse shoe with the colour wheel we had to choose hot and cold contrasting colours.  Our most recent piece of art was ‘The Starry Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh.  Did you know that he had two brothers and three sisters; he was born in 1853 and he lived a depressing life so used the colour blue a lot in his artwork.

We were learning about chemical reactions.  Katie built a volcano which showed us a chemical reaction which produced a hot foamy texture. We also did STEM week, we made bath bombs, made O-wings and tested them out and we made a Donald Trump hydraulic puppet!

“Hydraulics uses water pressure to create movement” – Adam.


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