A delayed blog post!

Sorry that this post is a little delayed – we have been very busy and working really hard! 

This busy week in maths some of us did algebra – we were writing equations and solving them too. Some were doing fractions like learning how to write equivalent fractions. Others were focussing on function machines and using their knowledge of multiplication and division to solve problems. All groups had to work very hard!
Once every one had finished we got to go make chocolate apples (because it was Halloween)!

This week was All Saints day and the Primary 6s walked to mass. We did posters to show our chosen saint, like St. Maximillian Kolbe, St Patrick or St Helena. We also learnt about the Pope Francis Faith Award.

In writing we did Tom’s Terror a Halloween story that was very cool.  We were trying to use VCOP to up-level our characters and setting.  The week after we also created a Newspaper report about the story of Guy Fawkes.  We had to note-take and then change our notes into a report and all created excellent newspaper articles (journalists in the making!)

We started to do reading teams and we were picking books that our team would like. On a Friday morning we have Fun Read Friday and  we get to sit anywhere in the class (even on the table and under the table) and read our chosen book. Our teams are made of people who like the same things as you. We are allowed to read off a kindle too.

We were doing sugar skulls because in Mexico they celebrate a day called ‘Day of the Dead’.  This is kind of similar to the Catholic celebration of All Souls day and it was nice to learn about what they do in other cultures too.   Australia is still our topic and we also looked at Aboriginal art.  We created stories through our art work and some of us made our own digeridoo!  We also all got to try playing a digeridoo – it was really hard!


Written by Ava and Patrick