Our Start to P6!

The highlights of the first few weeks in P6 have been amazing!
In Maths we have learned about how to write, order and add decimals and we’ve been practising our multiplication and division.  In Literacy we were learning about singular and plural words and we wrote an imaginative story about ‘The Storm’.On Fridays we do computing, in computing we have been doing coding.  We made our own Google logo and we were all very good at it!  On a Monday we have Drama and we really like the ‘Park Bench’ game that we play to help us with improvisation. In Art, we have started self-portraits and are focussing on sketching and making our portraits as realistic as we can.

In Science, we have been learning about Friction.  We did an experiment to test which surface was best for a toy car to move on.  We also used our measuring skills to calculate how far the car went each time.  We know that Friction causes things to move slower because two surfaces are rubbing together.  The laminate was the best surface because it was smooth and the concrete was worst because it was rough.
We are excited to learn more about Australasia, which is our topic.  We have already learned about Aborigines (the first people to live in Australia) and listened to the sound of a digeridoo.  We used atlases to identify the continents in the world and locate them on a map.  We would like to learn about The Great Barrier Reef and some of the landmarks in Australasia.

In P.E. our favourite thing has been the bleep test which tested our stamina.

Let’s see where this year takes us, we think it’s going to be great!

Written by Kitty and Henry

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