Hi everybody,
It’s hard to believe we’re at the September weekend already! P2/2 have had a super September. Here’s some of the things we’ve been up to…
It was lovely getting to see so many of you at our open afternoon at the start of the month. The children were excited to show off what they had been learning about for our Mythical Creatures topic and created some fabulous things with your help.
We have continued investigating mythical creatures this month, focusing on some of our favourites such as dragons and unicorns. We have also been learning about woodland magical creatures and made some toadstool houses for any creatures who decide to visit our classroom…
In PE, we have been working on possession games. We have been rotating around lots of different stations to practise, throwing, catching, control, aiming and teamwork. Our favourite was shooting into a basketball hoop!
In muddy movers, we have been working as part of a team to create bridges. We have tested out different materials to find out which ones are suitable for a strong bridge. Some were great but others were too weak or wobbly. Using what we learned, we are improving our ideas to make bigger, stronger bridges.
We are becoming more confident at problem solving in maths and enjoy working with a partner to select different strategies which can help us. We have also been investigating numbers to 100 in maths and have a good understanding of how these numbers are made. Counting in 10s is much quicker than counting in 1s for big numbers!
Have a lovely September weekend,
Miss Donaldson and P2/2