October in P1/2

This month we have been learning all about Autumn and the changes that happen in our environment. We discovered some animals prepare for hibernation like hedgehogs, door mice and bats. Primary 1 have been interested in learning more about hedgehogs so we have decided to build a hedgehog house. We all drew out a plan for the house and made a list of the materials that we need. We walked round the schools grounds to pick a place we think is best for our house and we have decided we will build it in the nursery community garden. Primary 1 visited the nursery to tell the children and staff all about our plans. We now have most of the resources that we need and are looking forward to building our house so check back here soon for updates!

In Art, we have been learning about warm and cool colours. We used cool colours to create a spooky halloween night sky then black card to make a haunted house.

In Science we had lots of fun observing chemical reactions. We mixed bicarbonate soda and vinegar and it made our pumpkin sick!

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