May in Primary 1/1

Primary 1/1 have had a busy month.

In P.E. we have been working hard on our athletics skills. We have practised the relay race, running and jumping over hurdles and throwing skills.

Well done to everyone for taking part in Sports’ Day. A day full of sunshine, sports and team spirit!

In Maths we have been learning how to use tally marks. We all created our own tally charts and gathered information from each other. Everyone recorded their tally marks and could give a total for each option. We can all identify the most and least popular choice.

We have been learning all about different environments. Rennie the Park Ranger came for a visit and told us all about his job at Dams to Darnley Country Park. He showed us pictures of different wildlife found in the park and told us lots of interesting facts! Here are some we remembered:

“If we didn’t have house spiders, we would be up to our knees in maggots!”

Rennie also brought in some different things found in the park. He had a badger skull and a bat!

He told us how important it is to pick up our litter as it can be harmful to nature. We have been recycling and re-using our snack wrappers in our Art area.


We have had Miss Wu, our Mandarin teacher, in to help us learn numbers, animals and colours. We have enjoyed joining in with Mandarin songs and trying to write in Mandarin.

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