All posts by Mrs Brown

Welcome to Primary 2 🌟

What a great start we’ve all had to Primary 2, look how smart we were on day 1 πŸ’œ

We started off the new school year thinking about how we can be good friends and showing kindness and respect to everyone. We decided to make birthday cards, so on our birthday we will receive a card from the whole class.

We are also busy designing and making our Class Charter, I wonder if you guess what theme we choose?

In Numeracy we are all working on addition and subtracting and linking fact families.

At gym we are working on our ball control skills and learning new games together. Taking turns, sharing and being a good team player are important skills that we are developing.

Continue reading Welcome to Primary 2 🌟

Numeracy 🌟

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about right angles. We know they have 90 degrees, that a right angle turn means the same as a quarter turn and we can identify them in the environment. We were very excited to make our own right angle checkers and go exploring outside for right angles.

We have also been exploring symmetry and patterns. We are able to identify lines of symmetry in everyday objects and shapes and also in nature. We loved painting our own symmetrical butterflies πŸ¦‹ We can all identify a simple pattern, continue patterns and create our own.

Finally, we have been busy learning about directions. Using the arrow keys on Blue-bot we programmed him to go to different places on the mats. We confidently use the terms forwards, backwards, left and right turns and we are getting increasingly confident in saying β€˜quarter turn’ and β€˜90 degree right angle turn’.Β  We also learned to write directions for Blue-bot, we were able to check if our directions were correct by programming him and seeing if he travelled to our chosen destination!

Huge well done Primary 1! 🌟

From Mrs Brown