All posts by Mrs Brown


You may have already heard that we all wrote to the manager at Barrhead McDonalds asking, very politely, if they had any spare packs of UNO cards then we would love some to learn to play with our classmates. The manager was very kind and gave us the display unit with packs of cards and some books. We are all delighted!


At the start of the month we enjoyed the cycle and scoot to school activities.

After being authors and illustrators we enjoyed sharing our books with Primary 1.

The highlight of the month has to be hearing everyone’s solo talks. You were all fantastic 🌟 I learned so much from each of you and hearing you all talk so confidently about a topic you love was amazing 🀩

This last week has been extremely busy! Learning more about place value, compound words, symmetry, walking to Co-op to hand in our Easter art competition entries and enjoying Easter scratch art are just a few of the things we’ve been busy with 😊

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and Spring break🐣🐰

February 2024

We started February learning about Chinese New Year. We enjoyed hearing the story, from long ago, about the Jade Emperor naming each year of the zodiac after the first twelve animals to cross a fast flowing river. 2024 is the year of the dragon so we got very arty and made fantastic Chinese dragons and we tried writing numbers zero to ten in mandarin.

In Numeracy we have been working on a range of new concepts including fractions, money, symmetry, time, place value and greater and less than signs.

In PE we have been working on our gymnastics skills.

A huge thank you to all our visitors today, we always love having you join us for Open Afternoon πŸ’œ


Robert Burns

This month we have been learning about the early life of Robert Burns and his lasting influence in Scotland today. Our learning has taken us down lots of routes thanks to the children’s questions and genuine curiosity about life in Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Due to the very cold and rainy start to the month we completed a scavenger hunt inside, finding out information about Robert Burns.

After discussing the facts we found and watching a short video clip about Robert Burns we used our new knowledge to independently write a fact file page.

We also investigated patterns on tartan and tried making our. Then we folded it to make it look like a kilt. We love them, what do you think?

To celebrate Burns Night, we planned a fun day making Scotch Broth, tasting oatcakes, singing Auld Lang Syne, listening and dancing to Scottish bagpipes, making Scotland flags and finally reciting the poem β€˜The Sair Finger’ that we have worked so hard to learn (the video has been posted on Google Classroom because it wouldn’t load on here!)

What a great start to the new year Primary 2!🌟🌟🌟🌟


What a busy month we’ve had!
After lots of rehearsing we performed our socks off in our fabulous nativity performance β€˜Christmas with the Ailens.’ We hope you all enjoyed it πŸŒŸπŸ‘

We had lots of fun making Christmas gift bags to sell at the Christmas fayre.

In French we have learned some seasonal vocabulary and made a French Christmas card. πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Lewis brought in a Christmas book to share with us and at the end of the story it had instructions for making paper snowflakes so we decided to give it a go ❄️ ❄️❄️

We were given a design problem with specific criteria to include but we had so much fun building that we added on extras like Santas workshop, present shooting machinery for Santa to use and reindeer stables.

Finally, we had amazing time at our Christmas party. There was lots of dancing, games and snack eating before we had a very exciting visit from Santa πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸ’

I hope you all have a restful and wonderful Christmas holiday with your family. See you all in 2024 for more learning and adventures.

Mrs Brown πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ»



Our topic this term has been learning about our local area. Β We went on a walk, took lots of photos of our route then built a 3D model.

For Book Week Scotland we enjoyed participating in a draw along event with author and illustrator Emily MacKenzie.

This month the children have been encouraged to take lots of photos of their own learning through continuous provision resources.


This month we have been working hard on our topic about homes and our local community. We all wrote about our homes, describing what type it is and our favourite rooms. We then went out to the playground to draw what we could see in our environment. Β We have been using lots of construction materials to design and build with, I think we all had lots of fun using the shaving foam as mortar! Last week we had a look at some local area maps and after listening to We’re Going on a Bear Hunt we drew a map to go along with the story. Everyone is looking forward to our local area walk this week and building a 3D map of it using our cardboard boxes.

For writing, we have been focusing on writing a set of instructions. We made our own toast and fruit kebabs before wring instructions and for Halloween we wrote our own magic potion recipe.

Thank you for all your hard work this month Primary 2! 🌟🌟🌟


This month Primary 2 were very interested in the change of season. Asking about the leaves changing colour and discussing how it gets darker earlier on than in summer. So we went on a few walks around our school environment to look at the changing leaves and gather fallen ones πŸ‚ We tried making some leaf bowls but it didn’t really work out as planned, the leaves didn’t want to mould around our balloons but we had fun trying. We also used conkers to make some lovely autumn art.

In Numeracy we have been working hard to learn doubles, addition and subtraction number stories, numbers up to 100 and counting odd and even numbers.

We have been using lots of loose parts to spell and P2 enjoy taking their own photos.


We also celebrated some achievements in class. Well done Olivia, Zara, Daisy and Anna on completing the summer reading challenge at the library. πŸ“š Please do remember to share all your achievements with us 🌟🀩

Well done on all your hard work this month Primary 2 πŸ‘πŸŒŸ