August in Primary 1

We are settling well and our teacher is very proud of how quickly we have picked up classroom routines. We are responsible for managing our learning as we complete targets, explore the areas of the classroom and work with Mrs Burnett.


Over the last few weeks we have been learning the sounds s, a, t, i, p and n. Here are some pictures of the different ways we have been developing our letter recognition and formation in class.

Fishing for sounds, splat the sound, sort the pictures by their sound, collage the n with newspaper, write n in the net, trace the letters, paint the p’s.



We have been learning to count amounts, recognise and write numbers.

Build a tower to match the number, join the correct amount of links to match the number on the playing card, make the number with play-doh, roll and write the number.


On our outdoor learning day, we explored number outdoors. We got into groups of different amounts, used the giant tens frame to show amounts and practised writing numbers using chalk.

Muddy Movers

We have been using the equipment to develop our balance skills. To hold our balance standing up tall and holding our arms out really help. We played balance statues on the crates then crossed a raised plank.


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