Robert Burns

This month we have been learning about the early life of Robert Burns and his lasting influence in Scotland today. Our learning has taken us down lots of routes thanks to the children’s questions and genuine curiosity about life in Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Due to the very cold and rainy start to the month we completed a scavenger hunt inside, finding out information about Robert Burns.

After discussing the facts we found and watching a short video clip about Robert Burns we used our new knowledge to independently write a fact file page.

We also investigated patterns on tartan and tried making our. Then we folded it to make it look like a kilt. We love them, what do you think?

To celebrate Burns Night, we planned a fun day making Scotch Broth, tasting oatcakes, singing Auld Lang Syne, listening and dancing to Scottish bagpipes, making Scotland flags and finally reciting the poem ‘The Sair Finger’ that we have worked so hard to learn (the video has been posted on Google Classroom because it wouldn’t load on here!)

What a great start to the new year Primary 2!🌟🌟🌟🌟


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