
This month we have been working hard on our topic about homes and our local community. We all wrote about our homes, describing what type it is and our favourite rooms. We then went out to the playground to draw what we could see in our environment. ย We have been using lots of construction materials to design and build with, I think we all had lots of fun using the shaving foam as mortar! Last week we had a look at some local area maps and after listening to Weโ€™re Going on a Bear Hunt we drew a map to go along with the story. Everyone is looking forward to our local area walk this week and building a 3D map of it using our cardboard boxes.

For writing, we have been focusing on writing a set of instructions. We made our own toast and fruit kebabs before wring instructions and for Halloween we wrote our own magic potion recipe.

Thank you for all your hard work this month Primary 2! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

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