Our Trip to the National Museum of Rural Life

Primary 1 had an excellent trip to the National Museum of Rural Life last week.


Our first stop was the farm. We had an exciting trip on a tractor trailer to take us there.

On the farm we spotted chicken, lamb, piglet, calf, highland cow and horse.

We got to visit the milking shed and had a go of milking a pretend cow. We could see the machinery used to milk cows on the farm.

Our next stop was a trip around the museum. We found out lots of new information and got to explore the garden explorers area.

We learned about the different things used on a farm.

Before lunch we even managed a little trip to the park!

After lunch, we had a Field to Fork workshop where we learned all about where our food comes from. We got to pick animals out of the bag and we were very good at identifying which produce comes from each of the animals on the farm.

We learned about wheat and had a go at using different grinding methods to make flour.

Finally, we made little planters from newspaper and planted some peas to take home.

What a fantastic trip!

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