The End of Term 2

On World Book Day, Primary 7 came to help us write book reviews for our favourite books we had brought in.

We were very lucky to also have Primary 6 visit us to read us our favourite books.

We had a ‘Where’s Wally?’ Scavenger Hunt, it was great fun!

We had some lovely visitors who wanted to hear The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson.

In Maths, we have been learning to sort by different criteria. We sorted by size, object, colour and shape properties. We used Carroll Diagrams.

We have also gathered data using tally marks and presented our findings in a pictogram.

In P.E. we have been learning racket and ball skills.

We were very lucky to have some Mandarin input this month, Primary 1/1 absolutely loved this!

P6 have been helping us look at circuits. We looked at simple circuits, different components, how to put them together and also an online version of building circuits. Some of the P6s created their own matching card games  for us to play on the big screen! Great fun!

One thought on “The End of Term 2”

  1. Erin has talked lots about what she has been up to, it’s so nice to see photos of what she has been talking about.

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