‘O’ is for October and Outdoors!

Primary 1 are continuing to work so hard in and out of class. (ARTICLE 28)

In Maths we have had a focus on 2D shape. The class enjoyed an activity where shape properties were given to the class and they had to work out which shape it was and make it with loose parts. πŸ”΅πŸ”Ίβ¬›οΈ

From this, the class made their own shapes and described them by their properties to a partner.

On our outdoor day, we went orienteering for 2D shapes around the playground. We had to colour the shape on our page with the pen left at each shape.Β  πŸ—ΊβœοΈ (ARTICLE 24)

Our buddies were so excited to join us outside for Muddy Movers. They helped us build obstacle courses, jump from the crates and balance. 🧱🌿

We are excited for the next time our buddies come to visit!

We went on a mini-beast hunt with Primary 1/2. We started in the big playground and worked all the way up the hill and back down to our playground. On our clipboards we had a list of lots of different mini-beasts and we ticked off each one we found. πŸ›πŸŒπŸžπŸœπŸ•·

In Muddy Movers last week we worked on our team-working, balance and communication skills. The class used words like ‘longer,’ and ‘shorter,’ to communicate the size of plank they needed to cross the river! 🌊

The team-working skills were fantastic. We helped each other balance along the planks and communicated about the position of the plank to help us balance. πŸ—£πŸ‘£

Some of us even had a go hopping and running across the planks!

Well done for all of your hard work Primary 1, I am very proud of you all! 🌈

Miss PayneπŸ₯°

One thought on “‘O’ is for October and Outdoors!”

  1. I love seeing the class blog each month and all the exciting things Erin and her class mates get up to. Erin is always full of stories and it’s great to put pictures to what she is talking about.

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