
September has been a busy month!


In Literacy, we have been working very hard to learn our sounds and tricky words.


Primary 1 have been enjoying our outdoor day every Tuesday. We have been focusing on exploring measure outside using natural materials, objects in the playground, items from the classroom and ourselves. We worked well when ordering ourselves into height order in small groups. The class measured themselves back-to-back.

Ordering sticks from smallest to biggest!

Measuring different parts of the body with non-standard units of measurement. We had to make sure that the linking elephants we used were all the same size to measure accurately.

During Maths Week, we explored shapes outdoors. We worked in pairs to spot different shapes in our school environment and ticked the shape each time we found one. We discovered lots of shapes in our playground, the big playground and the Muddy Movers area.

We even spotted shapes on one of our jackets!

In Muddy Movers we have been working on our balance, team-work and risk-assessing skills. We decided the safest way to jump from the crates is when someone is holding these to help us balance.

We have also been finding lots of creatures outside.

A big thank you to all of those who managed to make it to our open afternoon! The class loved sharing their learning and showing off the hard work they have been doing since starting Primary 1.

The class are working well in French and have loved meeting Camembear!

We can say:

  • Bonjour
  • Au revoir
  • Je m’appelle…

The class have also been fantastic at singing our French song ‘Bonjour les Amis.’

For our topic we have focused on different environments. A part of this was discussing how we can look after the planet. The class identified ways of recycling and making sure we pick up any litter. We made fish from old CDs we didn’t need anymore and picked up litter at Muddy Movers.

The class enjoyed experimenting with ice in science and exploring different ways we can melt this. We used our hands, the light and warm water.

One thought on “September”

  1. It so amazing to see what Erin gets up to during the month. It was great seeing the classroom at the open day and she loved having the chance to show us around.

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