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Up to October with Miss Smith 🐱🐝

I cannot believe how fast this term is flying by! October holidays are approaching and we’ve all been super busy in p2/2 😎

Literacy has been a very busy area for us! We’ve been practicing handwriting, starting to look at how we can write instructions and learning all of our new sounds. We have a sound book that we can add words to when we hear them elsewhere. ‘Tiny Teacher’ will now become a weekly part of our literacy recap on Fridays because all of the children were so happy having one of their friends picking who could answer and helping spell the words with our ‘qu’ sound. The children have also been practicing all of their sounds by playing games like ‘Secret Words.’

In numeracy, we have been celebrating Maths Week Scotland! This ran from Sept. 26 until Oct. 2 and allowed us to look at several interesting aspects of maths! Our favourite part of maths week was learning about the artist Kandinsky and the colourful circles he created! Kandinsky noticed that shapes and maths were everywhere, so we spotted as many shapes as we could in our classroom, like our rectangular door and square window! We created our own Kandinsky circles and I must say, Kandinsky himself would be proud of these! Here are some of ours…

We also have been recapping a lot of pattern work and looking at solving mazes this week. Everyone even showed me the fantastic time work they’ve been doing with Mrs Brown ⏰! Mazes were a really fun part of maths this week, even if some of them were a little tricky! But we all remembered our Health and Wellbeing lessons and changed our ‘I can’t’ statements into ‘I can’t right now, but I’ll try it!’

We have been talking a lot about adding and subtracting calculations to make sure we remember what the signs look like, what they mean and what happens when we use them. Everybody is always keen to show me what the signs look like and we’ve had some very creative ways to show them with our whole bodies or our arms βž•βž–πŸŸ°

In topic we have started looking more at maps and the symbols that they have on them. We started by listening to the story ‘We Are Going On A Bear Hunt’ and creating our own maps to go along with the story.

We’re continuing to work on our signs and symbols Β by doing some more match up and recap work. As always, we love Lego in this class so our Tuff Tray has been a building site! We have made detached houses, semi-detached houses and a whole village!

As well as this, we have loved having Camembear in our class! Camembear has been so helpful by teaching us the numbers up to 10. Our class worry monster Flower James Honey (we put our top names in a hat and picked three at random), was even getting some lessons from Camembear and our Tiny French Teachers.

Health and wellbeing has been very fun this term. We have been doing lots of passing games in PE and continue to look at our emotions. We have been having very interesting group conversations about who we can talk to when we have big feelings and what we can do to help ourselves. A common answer was a cuddle from their adult, and I must say I totally agree 😊

What an exciting time we have been having in our classroom! I hope everyone has a lovely October break when it comes ❀️

Miss Smith x

Open Afternoon

A huge thank you to all the adults who came to visit us this afternoon. We loved showing off our Primary 2 work and having you help us with some hibernation tasks. We also enjoyed playing with you and completing lots of the activities around the room with you.

I hope you all enjoyed your visit and now have a lovely long September holiday weekend.

Mrs Brown x🌟🌟🌟

August with Miss Smith

Hello! I can’t believe August is over and we’re into September! I have so enjoyed getting to know the pupils of P2/2, what a lovely bunch! We’ve been super busy over the past few weeks developing our learning and practicing skills we learned in primary 1. We did have some technical difficulties with an iPad, so some pictures of our hard work have sadly been lost, but we have been busy taking lots of pictures of our new work to make sure you can all see it.

We have been practicing our spelling and writing skills by doing our weekly ‘News Writing’ and spelling sounds. We’ve even had some art created that ties in with one of our group reading books!


In numeracy, we have been working super hard on our numbers to 100! We have some very colourful number squares and have been able to identify the numbers that have been missing in number lines! I really can’t wait to challenge the pupils more as the term progresses, what a brilliant bunch of mathematicians! The pupils particularly liked using chalk in the playground to help them create number bonds outside (sadly, these pictures were lost), but we have done plenty of work in class to show you! Here are some of our group calculations when we did a number hunt in class. We were practicing our number bonds. What brilliant adding and taking away!

We have also been working on our topic, ‘Our Local Area.’ The pupils have loved chatting about the places around the school that they love going to and telling me all about their houses. We have some buddingΒ  estate agents in this class! We have looked at the types of houses that there are in Barrhead and will be moving on to discuss the importance of specific housing has in a community, such as care homes and hospitals. To do this, we have made house collages, ‘For Sale’ signs and little Lego houses. Some pupils also made their houses out of playdough (even the climbing frame in the playground)! There was also a block of flats made from connected squares!

Another area that we have really put a focus on since summer is health and wellbeing. As a class we have been discussing our emotions and how these emotions can make us feel in our bodies. To do this, we have been doing mindful listening activities (such as listening to music) and having a chat about how we feel after listening to the music.Β  We will be building on this knowledge over the coming weeks by designing posters that show where we feel out emotions.

As always, the pupils have access to an iPad, however the one I have been using has stopped working so a lot of our pictures have been lost but please know, the pupils have been taking pictures of their work and more will be available by the next blog post. I’m really looking forward to this year with such a fantastic class at Cross Arthurlie Primary!

Miss Smith xx



August with Mrs Brown 😎🌟

Welcome back everyone. It’s so lovely to see you already working so hard in Primary 2! 🌟

We have been learning lots about 2D shapes:
Robert β€˜2D shapes are flat.’

Alice β€˜A circle has 1 edge and 0 vertices.’

Arlo β€˜A rhombus has 4 vertices and 4 edges.’

We went on a 2D shape hunt outside. We looked for circles, squares, rectangles, pentagons and hexagons.

Β  Β 

We have been learning about repeating patterns. I thought your patterns were fantastic Primary 2.


In Numeracy we have also been revising days of the week, months of the year, seasons and number sequences.


In Grammar we have been reciting the alphabet, learning the capital letter names and matching them to the lowercase sound and learning how to form each letter correctly.

We have also been looking at sentence structure. Every sentence must start with a capital letter, most sentences finish with a full stop and when we read the sentence it must make sense.

After listening carefully to β€˜The Worrysaurus’ and β€˜What the Ladybird Heard Next’ we had a range of activities to complete. We used our knowledge of sounds to write mostly independently but had access to a wordmat if needed. We used clues from the text to draw an unseen character and used our Success Criteria to complete our tasks.

The children always have access to the iPad to take photos of work that they are proud of. Here is a selection from August.

Finally, we have loved getting back outside to Muddy Movers. This week we were showing off our balancing skills. We also have some expert den builders, a regular Mud Kitchen McDonald’s in operation but most importantly we are having lots of fun playing together.

What a great start to Primary 2! 🌟

Teddy Bears Picnic

What a fantastic day we had at our teddy bears picnic 🐻πŸ₯ͺ🍎

We all confidently made our own cheeses or jam sandwich πŸ₯ͺΒ  played lots of fun games and were very excited to see the queen πŸ‘‘

We have all worked hard this year and it was nice to relax and have some fun time together.

Tiny Teachers

Well done Tiny Teachers! 🌟🌟🌟

You are all confident speakers, with clear voices and excellent body language. Β You were able to share your knowledge and interests with your peers and answer any questions. Β You were also an amazing audience, showing good listening skills and able to ask questions to gain more information.

I am so impressed with your organisation and confidence to stand up and speak to the whole class. I loved hearing and learning about space, deathly animals, octopuses, Β Sonic, Mario, cheerleading, gymnastics, karate, football, family holidays, family members and pets and lots more detailed presentations.

Thank you and a HUGE well done!

I think you’re all amazing πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Mrs Brown xxx

Calderglen Park

We all had such a great day at Calderglen Park on Tuesday. We loved seeing the animals and playing in the park. Β πŸ°πŸΉπŸπŸ’πŸ‡πŸ¦œπŸ’πŸ˜Ž
Today we wrote a diary entry about our trip. We had to include detail about the trip, a feeling, who we went with and sign it off from ourselves. Amazing independent writing Primary One! πŸ‘πŸŒŸπŸ“

May 2022

I can’t quite believe we’re already at the end of May and now heading into our last few weeks of Primary 1!

Throughout May we have been very busy in Numeracy learning about data handling, symmetry and telling the time.


We had lots of fun during Sports Day.

We have been learning about life in the past and especially enjoyed creating our own cave people inspired artwork.

After learning about the features of castles we used recyclable materials to build our own castles. Can you see our battlements, draw bridges, flags and arrow slit windows? 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏰

We enjoyed our visit to the library, choosing our own book to read in school and we look forward to returning them next week.

Finally, we always enjoy taking our own pictures!