Category Archives: Literacy

🔤Tricky Words and Patterns🧮

In mathematic we have been working on the following Experience and Outcome.

I have spotted and explored patterns in my own and the wider environment and can copy and continue these and create my own patterns.

  • We can identify and describe patterns.
  • We can copy and continue repeated patterns using loose parts, flowers, Lego, blocks, peg boards
  • We created complex repeated patterns using numbers, colours and shapes.

In Literacy we have been focusing on the following Experience and Outcome.

I explore sounds, letters and words, discovering how they work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I read and write.

We have explored and investigated what tricky words are.

We know they try to tick us when we sound them out.

We have practised remembering what they look like, writing them in different ways and scanning stories to find them.


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Supertato Fun

Over the month of September and October we enjoyed reading the Supertato books by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. Following the children’s enthusiasm for the stories we linked the ideas in the text with the following experiences and outcomes. 

I enjoyed exploring and working with foods in different contexts TCH 0-04a  

I enjoyed experimenting with a range of textiles TCH 0-04b  

I shared my thoughts with others to help further develop ideas and solve problems. TCH 0-04c 

I explored everyday materials in the creation of pictures/models/concepts. 

TCH 0-10a 

From this we had lots of fun exploring, investigating and being very creative.

  • We used simple techniques with textiles and collage material when creating our characters for Supertato. We selected materials to design and create characters from vegetables, gluing materials to build our characters.
  • We discussed and described the materials by touching them, for example sticky, squidgy, soft, fluffy, hard, rough, wet, heavy and light.
  • We used a range of materials when creating pictures and models relating to the book study of Supertato. 



  • We demonstrates simple food preparation techniques such as peeling, slicing, mixing, spreading when making a fruit smoothie and using different vegetables to make soup.
  • We discussed what we could prepare or cook using different vegetables and fruits.
  • We made and followed rules to keep safe when using sharp knives and peelers.