All posts by Miss Galloway


Over the last few weeks we have been exploring the concept of measure.  We have experimented with everyday items as units of measure to investigate and compare sizes and amounts in the environment.  We then shared our findings with our friends.

We started with the skills of measuring length using our feet and our hands. It can be tricky using your feet to measure and not fall over.

We estimated how long an object was  and then measured it using cubes, straws and paperclips. Using a selection of loose parts we also created towers and arranged them from the shortest to the tallest.

We can now use language such as:

•  “long/longer” and “short/shorter”.

•  “tall/taller” and “small/ smaller”.


We investigated the concept of weight using non-standard units such as pegs, stones, clips and cubes.  We used  a simple 2-pan balance to weigh items and describe which classroom objects  are heavier, lighter or  about the same weight. We  can now place classroom objects in order according to their weight.

Finally we explored the concept of volume by  filling containers with liquids and solids such as water, cubes and sand. we can confidently describe capacity using the words  full, empty, nearly empty, nearly full and half full.






💻⌨ Technology ⌨💻

During our visits to the Digi Space we have been logging on to a desktop computer using our username and password.  We know that a password is private and we should only share it with people we trust.

We can now identify the icons for Chrome, Microsoft Word, close, save and Microsoft Outlook.

We are continuing to master the skills of highlighting text to change the colour, font and size. On a Friday we practise typing  our new tricky words, sometimes we type a sentence using them. We know that we use the Caps Lock key to make a capital letter and try to remember a space between our words using the space bar.


On a Friday our digital leaders have been helping us learn the skill of coding.  When we were back in class we created an obstacle course using blocks. We then programmed the Blue-bot to move around the course and try not to bump into the bricks.  We used direction such as forward, backwards, left and right turn.

🎄🎅 Christmas 2021 🎅🎄

We had a fantastic day watching a pantomime in the morning and having  our Christmas party in the afternoon. As we have been such a great class Santa came to visit us. He enjoyed our singing.



🧸Children in Need🧸

We had lots of fun on Children in Need Day.

🚀Bonfire Day Fun🚀

On Friday the 5th of November we had a fireworks theme in class. We made tricky words inside flying rockets,  practised writing our sounds and tricky words on a sparkling night sky.

We had fun writing our tricky words using pretend sparklers too! We also programmed Spheros to roll through paint to make a bonfire night sky.

Here is a peek at what our day looked like.


🔤Tricky Words and Patterns🧮

In mathematic we have been working on the following Experience and Outcome.

I have spotted and explored patterns in my own and the wider environment and can copy and continue these and create my own patterns.

  • We can identify and describe patterns.
  • We can copy and continue repeated patterns using loose parts, flowers, Lego, blocks, peg boards
  • We created complex repeated patterns using numbers, colours and shapes.

In Literacy we have been focusing on the following Experience and Outcome.

I explore sounds, letters and words, discovering how they work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I read and write.

We have explored and investigated what tricky words are.

We know they try to tick us when we sound them out.

We have practised remembering what they look like, writing them in different ways and scanning stories to find them.


Continue reading 🔤Tricky Words and Patterns🧮