Up until Easter with Miss Smith 🐱🐝

What a brilliant term we have had in primary 2! We’ve been super busy with lots of visits form special visitors and making our way through our maths and literacy work!

In literacy we have continued to look at our sounds like ew, ar and qu. We have been using different ways to spell them with things like pasta. We also have continued to work on our adjectives by writing creatively, using feely bags and deciding what adjective best describes what is in the bag!

In numeracy we have continued to work on our numbers stories. We are getting very good at them. The Ladybugs have been working especially hard. We have also looked at weight and how on a balance scale the heavier object will be lower than the lighter one since it weighs more.


We have wrapped up our Roman topic with some Roman writing and drama. I am so proud of my little Roman army all remembering their latin commands! We have made mosaic and temples which are hanging up on our display. We also remade our favourite Roman inventions, including a toilet, cutlery and a (toilet) house!

We have also been exploring expressive arts through different lessons like art, music and drama. Check out our musical skills! I was blown away by how fast the pupils picked up ta and te-te.

Finally in health and wellbeing we have been covering how to look after a baby. A HUGE thank you to Theo’s mum and baby brother for coming in to visit us. We were also lucky enough to have Mrs Carr bring in her grandson. We got to ask lots of questions and compare the differences between a 4 month old and a 1 year old. This also led to us looking at the similarities between plants and humans and what helps eveyone/everything grow. To top this off we planted some lavender, daisies and blue marigolds in the muddy movers planters. We have focussed on rebound games in PE and have also been taking part in the Big Walk and Wheel.


A big thank you to all you pupils in p2/2 for your hard work this term. I hope you enjoy a well deserved rest over the Easter holidays. I will see you when you are back in April!

Miss Smith 🐱🐝 x