January with Miss Smith 🐝🐱

Happy 2023 and happy Lunar New Year to you all! What a busy start to the term and the new year!

In numeracy, the butterflies and spiders have been learning lots about subtraction and how to find numbers ‘in between’ two others. Our jotter layout has certainly been improving and I’m so impressed by everyone’s hard work in maths! We seem to have a group of budding mathematicians! The Ladybugs have now moved onto numbers up to 100 and my goodness I am so impressed by their hard work, to say there are lots of stickers and house points being given out is an understatement.

In Literacy we have continued with our sounds and have been writing persuasively. We decided to write about what animal should be our class mascot but we all seem to still like having Lola so I guess we will just need to have 2! We are working super hard in comprehension and reading as well. Mathematicians and book worms?! Goodness I am one lucky teacher!

In Health and Wellbeing we’ve been looking at friendships and how we can be good friends to one another. We have also been doing gymnastics in PE and I am thoroughly impressed by how well we have been doing (Miss Smith… not so much. Who’d have thought? 😂).

I do apologise that there are not more pictures, for some reason they are not transferring from the iPad to the computer to upload. I’ll make sure it is sorted for next time!  have so enjoyed the beginning of this term with my lovely wee class and am so excited for things to come!