Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Part 1

We started off our Scotland topic learning about some Scottish mythical creatures. Our clear favourite was the Loch Ness Monster! At the construction area we built Nessie using Lego:

In writing, we have been learning to write persuasively. We worked with our shared writing partner to create a job advert for a Loch Ness monster catcher! We persuaded the reader to apply by making the job sound really interesting. Some of our ideas included: being paid in diamonds and jewels, staying in a 5 star hotel in Loch Ness with amazing views and even a bonus of eating free in any restaurant.

In outdoor learning, we are learning to identify some Scottish trees and wildlife. We went on a winter walk to collect any leaves, nuts, pine cones or  branches  that had already fallen from the trees in our playground. We used what we found to help us identify the tree using fact sheets and pictures. We then used our collected materials to create a picture: