June with Miss Smith 🐱🐝

My goodness me… a whole year is finished! How on Earth did that happen?! I can tell you we have been working just as hard this month, it’s definitely been the wind up to summer!

In literacy we have continued to practise our reading and spelling. We have also learned about storyboards and how they are used when people write movies or books!

In numeracy we have continued to work hard on vertical and horizontal calculations. The butterflies and spiders have learned all about Venn diagrams in our data handling and the ladybugs have looked at measuring weight.

In science we have been focussing on forces and have performed lots of experiments to highlight push and pull forces. We also learned about vibrations and used this knowledge to experiment when we were singing in music.

We also had our trip to Summerlee, a huge thank you to Alice’s mum for coming along to help Mrs Brown and I. We got to see lots of houses from different decades and play with toys that our grannies might have played with….. however I still say that the 90’s is not part of the “olden days” like the pupils think!

To say this has been a fantastic year is an understatement and I would like to take the opportunity to thank the children for their continued hard work across the year. You have all worked so hard and I am incredibly proud of the progress that you have made. Well done!

Have the best summer p2 (soon to be p3)!  I’m sure you’ll all go on to do fantastic things.

Miss Smith 🐱🐝 xx