May with Miss Smith 🐝🐱

And just like that, we have worked all the way through another month! Who’d have thought a year could fly so fast? Not us!

We have been working super hard on our sounds and have been practising letter writing. We wrote to our guest, Dr Maclaren Β for topic and asked hime questions all about his job.

In numeracy we have all been practising recalling our number bonds and bringing in some of our French numbers into this. We’ve been doing some outdoor learning to help work on our Data Handling and hopefully manage the litter in our playground.

In topic we have been focussing on People Who Help Us. A huge thank you to Dr Maclaren, Chloe the Vet Nurse from Roundhouse Vets and a huge thank you to the police officer who came and showed us all inside the van! Miss Smith was a little worried someone would get stuck.

In HWB we have been focussing on healthy choices and routines we can have to keep us strong and healthy. We have also started our block on Bereavement, Loss and Grief which has been very insightful and calming to discuss as a class.

I cannot believe that another month has come to an end, look how much all these lovely children have changed! 1 more month until summer and they’re big primary 3’s! See you in June!

Miss Smith 🐝🐱