August with Miss Smith

Hello! I can’t believe August is over and we’re into September! I have so enjoyed getting to know the pupils of P2/2, what a lovely bunch! We’ve been super busy over the past few weeks developing our learning and practicing skills we learned in primary 1. We did have some technical difficulties with an iPad, so some pictures of our hard work have sadly been lost, but we have been busy taking lots of pictures of our new work to make sure you can all see it.

We have been practicing our spelling and writing skills by doing our weekly ‘News Writing’ and spelling sounds. We’ve even had some art created that ties in with one of our group reading books!


In numeracy, we have been working super hard on our numbers to 100! We have some very colourful number squares and have been able to identify the numbers that have been missing in number lines! I really can’t wait to challenge the pupils more as the term progresses, what a brilliant bunch of mathematicians! The pupils particularly liked using chalk in the playground to help them create number bonds outside (sadly, these pictures were lost), but we have done plenty of work in class to show you! Here are some of our group calculations when we did a number hunt in class. We were practicing our number bonds. What brilliant adding and taking away!

We have also been working on our topic, ‘Our Local Area.’ The pupils have loved chatting about the places around the school that they love going to and telling me all about their houses. We have some budding  estate agents in this class! We have looked at the types of houses that there are in Barrhead and will be moving on to discuss the importance of specific housing has in a community, such as care homes and hospitals. To do this, we have made house collages, ‘For Sale’ signs and little Lego houses. Some pupils also made their houses out of playdough (even the climbing frame in the playground)! There was also a block of flats made from connected squares!

Another area that we have really put a focus on since summer is health and wellbeing. As a class we have been discussing our emotions and how these emotions can make us feel in our bodies. To do this, we have been doing mindful listening activities (such as listening to music) and having a chat about how we feel after listening to the music.  We will be building on this knowledge over the coming weeks by designing posters that show where we feel out emotions.

As always, the pupils have access to an iPad, however the one I have been using has stopped working so a lot of our pictures have been lost but please know, the pupils have been taking pictures of their work and more will be available by the next blog post. I’m really looking forward to this year with such a fantastic class at Cross Arthurlie Primary!

Miss Smith xx