All posts by Miss Joiner

Christmas Nativity 🎄

Primary 2 were amazing in their performance today of The Nativity.

They have worked so hard on all the songs, speaking parts, actions and dances. 🎭 Everyone was very excited to try on the costumes, use the microphones and preform for the parents. What a fantastic job they did. 👏🏻

We learned all about the story of Christmas and what events take place during this time. Looking at the main characters of the story, Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the angels, Shepard’s, wise men and many more.

Thank-you vey much to all the adults that came along to watch the show. They were very excited and even after couldn’t stop talking about it for the rest of the day.

We have been learning about our new topic Scotland. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
we have loved learning about Scotland and the history behind it.
We have looked at famous Scottish bridges and completed a STEM challenge to build abridge for Our French friend Camembear to walk along.

We looked at tartan on St Andrews day and we made our own using straight lines and a variety of colours. We used different materials to make the tartan, we used sponges and paper too to weave.  They look amazing. 🎨

We also got to have so much fun with Children in Need Day. We joined in with some fun activities that the primary 7s orangised in the gym hall. The parachute game was the funniest games to try play.  😁

We all came away with some great games, toys, books or fluffy toys. It was a great day all round. 🥳

Primary 2 have been working hard with our French. We have been working on saying how we feel in French. 🇫🇷
“Ca va mal” 👍

“Ca va bien” 👎

“Comme ci, Comme ca” 🤲

We have also been learning how to order our lunch in French. We have become really good at it with the different fillings of a sandwich or baguette. 🍞🥖 The talking tins to listen to the French and then primary 2 makes the sandwiches or baguettes.

October fun!

We have been very busy this month with lots of fun learning activities.

Primary 2 finished off their topic of our local area by going on a local walk around Barrhead. Everyone was able to identify different house types by looking and describing them. We got to see some landmark buildings like the fire station. 🚒

A huge thank you to the parents and grandparents who came along to help us with our walk it wouldn’t have been possible without your help. 👏🏻❤️ (ARTICLE)

In maths, Primary 2 have been learning lots of new things such as place value and numbers before and after to 100. We had a Halloween theme and hidden numbers on the bats tummy.🦇

We finished the month off with a visit from the pantomime for the whole school. Sleeping Beauty was amazing and Primary 2 loved joining in with all the songs and dancing. 🎭

Maths week baking ⚖️🫐🍌

We have been very busy during maths week this week. We had lots of different activities all linked to maths and we can’t wait to show you our circle art, Kandinsky style that we did collaboratively across Primary 1 and Primary 2.

Our favorite thing that we were so excited for was our baking. We filled our pompom jar, and as a reward Primary 2.1 choose to bake fruit muffins.

We wrote our recipes, using our step by step instructions which we followed today. We also talked about the safety we have when baking or cooking – washing our hands, hair tied back and apron on.

It was so much fun, we were little bakers today. 👨‍🍳🧑‍🍳

First we weighed out our dry ingredients and put in a bowl. ⚖️

Next we weighed and added butter, 2 eggs and vanilla to our dry ingredients.

Then we mix all the ingredients together.

After that we put our mixture in a case, add our fruit and bake for 15 minutes.

Lastly, we let them cool and enjoy eating them. 😋

I can’t wait to cook with you all again. 🎉 Let me know if you bake at home too Primary 2.1 little chefs 🧑‍🍳👨‍🍳

Open afternoon

We loved having all the different family members come into school to see our work we have been doing in Primary 2. It was great having everyone help with different activities based on our topic “Our Local Area”.

We made aerial view maps of our classroom. This was really challenging but with the help of our adults we worked very hard to make these and they look great. 🗺

We have been working hard on our direction skills, giving and following direction. The beebots were a fun way to give directions. We choose a place we would like to go to and directed our bot there. We have continued using these in class today and we are experts now. 🐝

We love to mix our learning. Some children made a great detached house for our French friend Camenbear. We were also able to match up our French colours to different ribbons. 🇫🇷

Lastly I would like to thank all the adults who helped their child pin their house on the map. They were very excited to see everyone’s face on our map. 📍

Thank you very much for coming and visiting out class. We can’t wait to have you come in again soon. 👋

Welcome back to school 📚

Primary 2.1 have been very busy already with their learning.  Everyone has been working hard with our new classroom and have settled in nicely.

We completed lots of activities around our book study of “What the Ladybird Heard” books. We looked at the characters and the different settings of the books. They children made great flying Ladybirds and wanted posters to find the bad men, Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len.
A Hugh thank-you to everyone who sent in post cards to school from their holidays. We read the story “What the Ladybird heard on holiday” and then looked at our holidays. It was great fun looking at the different ways that we traveled places. We have them on our wall to look at, feel free to bring in more

They have enjoyed the learning challenges in primary 2. We have been learning about 2D shapes. We have had so much fun using our shapes to make great pieces of work. We made shape pizzas and shape monsters. We showed them off to our class naming all our shapes. 🔴🔷🔺🟪

We have been working very hard with our new spelling sounds. We have creating lots of new words and looked at writing independently with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. I am so impressed with how hard we have been working! ✍️

We started our new science topic of “Waters changing state” . We were able to name where we get water from and we even knew it comes from the clouds to start with. 🌧 We used water to create and art rain drops by spraying water on blue tissue paper. The blue effect is amazing!!! 💧

We were very excited to get to go outside for Muddy Movers since we have our wellie boots. 🥾 Thank-you. We had so much fun creating towers and jumping off. We practiced bending our knees and arms out for balance.

I can’t wait to keep learning with you all. You have been amazing. ⭐️

Miss Joiner ❤️