All posts by Miss Joiner

Summerlee πŸŽ’

Primary 2 had so much fun at Summerlee where they got to explore olden day houses that they had learnt about in school. They were able to identify different items such as the baths, record players and kitchen tools.

The children got to take part in different activities that children their age would have had to do in the past. The big favourite was the toys children played with, some were really hard but everyone gave them a go.


The big park was also a huge hit 🏞️ They were running around, climbing to heights and swinging off everything.

Teddy bears picnic 🧺

Primary 2 successfully worked together to win their pompom prize. They were got pompoms for being kind, working well and being confident.Β  πŸŽ‰

They were very lucky to have been given a huge range of free fruit for them all to cut up and try. There was pineapple, watermelon, honey melon, mango, peaches and much more. πŸπŸ‰πŸˆπŸ₯­πŸ‘ They followed the hygiene rules, washing hands, wiping boards and cleaning up.Β  Using the safety skills about to hold and cut a fruit they were able to cut up different fruits accurately.

The children got a bag and to pick the fruit that they wanted to have to eat. With a blanket we went up the top of the grassy hill. They were so excited to show their teddies and books that they brought in and everyone sat down reading to their teddies eating their tasty fruit. It was great to see them all so happy with their fruit, teddies and books.

🧸 πŸ“– 🧺

Well done for winning your prize primary 2! πŸ‘

Sports day 🎊

Primary 2 had so much fun with sports day this year.
Everyone showed great team work skills encouraging in their fellow house members. πŸ‘πŸ»

Everyone in their team colours!

They completed different activities in the morning such as football, rugby, obstacle course and crazy catch. Everyone worked really hard to get as many house points as possible for their house. πŸ”΄πŸ”΅πŸŸ‘πŸŸ’

In the afternoon some of the Primary 2s competed in flat races and relay races to win even more house points.

Primary 2.1 have some fast runners with tight finishes, getting different places of 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Well done to everyone who ran. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ’¨

Well done to everyone took part, you were all fantastic!
I can’t wait to find out the winning house.πŸ₯‡

Spring is springing 🌷πŸͺ»πŸ’

Primary 2 have been working with Primary 5 in planting on our planters. They worked to plant in inside planters first, watering and feeding before moving outside.

Outside planters:

During Muddy Movers the children have been finding different signs that spring is here.

The flowers blooming:

The primary 3 class have made a pond and the tadpoles are growing too which was exciting to see.

Primary 2 fun fair πŸŽ‰

Primary 2.2 invited us to join in with their fun fair they set up and it was so much fun. They had different activities set up for us such as skipping, strike a goal, hoopla and skittles. βš½πŸŽ³πŸ“

Each activity cost and everyone got their own little bag of money to spend. (Plastic money)

At some stations the children could win money back from the P2.2 station holders which was very exciting. πŸ₯³

Everyone did very well at counting their coins, change from the stations and if they earned money back how much they had now.

Thanks very for inviting us!


Walk and Wheels week 🚲

Primary 2 were the class in the school with the most amount of people who walked or wheeled last week. 🎊 Well done everyone!

The Primary 6 JRSO did a great job of organising bike and scootering activities for the classes to join in with.
I was so impressed with Primary 2’s skills on a bike and scooter.

Busy February

In class we have been learning about babies and toddlers. We looked at the tasks that adults need to do to look after a baby and how they change as the baby grows. The children created a lost of questions that they wanted to know about taking care of a baby.
We were very lucky to have Ava’s mum come in with her little sister.
The children were absolutely mesmerized by the beautiful baby. πŸ‘Ά πŸ’œ

Primary 2 have also been learning about animal habitats, features and diet. The children are able to sort animals into the habitats and create explain why they may live in the habitat. πŸ”πŸœπŸŒŠ We used the VR headsets to look at the animals in their habitats and the effect that climate change has had on the habitats.

Primary 2.1 have been learning the features of a persuasive argument and supportive points. They completed lots of writing on different topics such as persuading which crayon should come back into the box from the book β€œThe day the crayons quit”.Β Our last piece of writing was to persuade Mrs MacDonald to let everyone have an extra break time. 🀞The children came up with great ideas with why they should get an extra break and also the benefits to themselves.

The writing was so good Mrs MacDonald couldn’t say no and they got their extra break outside in the big playground. πŸͺ‚

Gymnastics 🀸

Primary 2 have been showing off their fancy gymnastic skills they have been learning. They have been learning to carry out a series of balances, travel movements, jumps and tricks. 🀸

Using the climbing frame brought huge amounts of fun and laughter with all of the children having a go at trying to climb the ropes. I think swinging on the ropes was the most fun. πŸ’

French lunch ordering πŸ₯–πŸ₯ͺ

We have been practicing our French ordering. We can now order our lunch in French. πŸ‘πŸ»
Using different types of technology to record ourselves to practice speaking French, Pimary 2 sounds great,!
Camembear has been our speaking mascot and then try build the sandwich using the plastic items.

IMG_9463 Β 

Β (Click to listen to this)


Β (Click above to listen)




Enjoy Β listening πŸ‘‚πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Christmas partyπŸŽ„

Primary 1 and Primary 1 had a special visitor come to school on Wednesday during our Christmas party. πŸ₯³

Santa came to visit us and told us who nice everyone has been this year. Everyone got a great book from, him too as an early present. 🎁

Our Christmas party was so much fun, playing pass the parcel, corners and musical statues. πŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊWe got more and more excited when unwrapping a layer. The dance moves are amazing in the class!

Merry Christmas to everyone, I am looking forward to seeing you all in 2023! ❀️🎊