Thank you for our Ice Cream!
Thank you for our Ice Cream!
Part of the Science outcome is to contribute to the design of a game when learning about magnets. Primary 3 loved creating their own maze and asking a friend to use a magnet to work their way through the maze.
Today we explored the forces exerted by magnets. The children identified examples of how magnets are used in everyday life, such as their fridge. We had a game of repel and attract where the children were either the north pole or the south pole on a magnet and they had to find others in the class according to the instruction.
Finally they investigated magnetic and non magnetic items in the class and we talked about what each item was made of.
Primary 3 were making and testing predictions about dissolving in water. They talked about colour change when the water mixes with the ink. Next, they predicted what might happen if they change the size and pattern on their drawings.
This week the children have been learning to contribute to discussion on the latest scientific news. We started the lesson by talking about the role of a scientist and what a scientist may look and sound like. They were asked to draw a scientist and explain their reasons. 17 of them drew a male character and 3 drew a female character. This brought about a discussion about famous/popular scientists and we will explore this at a later date.
We then watched videos from TigTag where they learned about plastic pollution and Volcanos. They talked to each other about ways they can improve plastic pollution. They worked together to read through a news article of their own and reported back to the class about their findings.
The children were developing their knowledge of Space. They can identify the 8 phases of the moon and had the choice to draw or cut and stick the 8 phases of the moon to paper plates.
Primary 3 have started to observe the sun and the moon. Today they learned about the patterns of movement. We used balloons to recreate the moon orbiting Earth and identified how the moon reflects the light of the sun.
Primary 3/1 have had a very busy and productive week. They have been developing their cooperation skills by working in small groups to build bridges. Their task was to create something that could hold the weight of a small toy car. Primary 3 talked about what makes a structure strong and identified the importance of building a strong foundation, they identified 2D shapes within their structures.
Primary 3/1 have been reading the novel Flat Stanley and were keen to design their own kite. We talked about wind force and why kites can fly. They also identified reasons as to why a kite would not fly.
Whilst reading Flat Stanley we read about measurement. Primary 3/1 have been busy measuring different items in the classroom using a ruler and metre sticks. They carefully used a ruler to draw and measure different pieces of artwork.